The Sierra Leone People’s Party (SLPP) headed by President Julius Maada Bio came to power on the backdrop of collective efforts, Peace and Unity. Therefore, as a party in Government, we must all ensure that we work to consolidate that stance that helped us gain political power in 2018.
Our biggest bet as supporters and members of the SLPP now, is to ensure that President Julius Maada wins the June 24th, 2023 Presidential election with a bigger margin, and this can only be possible depending on a unity of purpose among the party leaders, members and cabinet ministers.
I am ringing the bell now because I have followed some positions expressed on the social media wherein some of our government officials are being lambasted scornfully by colleagues and compatriots who are also members of the SLPP and supporting the vision of President Julius Maada Bio.
I have also observed, with disquiet, that the issue of trust and coordination is lacking among and between some of our political leaders in the SLPP.
This is not a good sign and has the potential to undermine the gains the government of President Bio is making on behalf of the SLPP, and the people of Sierra Leone.
The time for political pettiness is over.
I may perhaps be wrong but from my observation, I will assert that there is need for unity, love and cohesiveness in the SLPP more than ever before, especially during this period running close to our General elections.
I am a man of peace and I love peace and as such, I want peace to always exist in the SLPP especially among our stakeholders and party supporters.
As Henri Fayol put it in one of his fourteen administrative principles “Esprit de corps” (‘group spirit’), emphasises the importance of group cohesion within an organization.
The principle underlines that an organization must make every effort to maintain group cohesion. It notes that dividing your competition is a clever tactic, but dividing your own team is a serious error.
Members of the SLPP must take note of this and acknowledge that the fight for political supremacy is between us and the APC and not within the SLPP.
On this note I must remind all SLPPians that we are a family, let us resort to resolving our problems inhouse rather than taking them to the social media. Bashing our political appointees, exposing them to public riducule and venting your angers in the social media will not provide any solution but escalate the problem.
In my quiet moment,, I try to think of President Julius Maada Bio and the daunting task he has on his head to carry our party and country forward. One needs to put oneself into his shoes, toting the responsibility of more than seven million people on his shoulders, making it hard for him to stoop right down again to address petty jealousy issues among members. That’s a complete distraction against his major objectives of service delivery to the people of Sierra Leone. President Bio is a man who maintains a steady, level headed approach towards solving problems; please allow him to remain calm and focused on the bigger goals.
” Leh we forget bout bad heart en de too much grumble-grumble”. In the SLPP, let us all embrace the concept of “Fayolism” and the Ubuntu philosophy by loving and standing for what is right; for the promotion of peace, happiness, eternal optimism, and inner goodness.